Wedding Guitarist Essex

Looking for a wedding guitarist in Essex?

Are you currently planning for your big day? Organising any wedding can be a really stressful time. With budgets to meet but the aim of creating a day to remember there can be a lot of pressure. You’ve probably got a perfect wedding in your mind, but now trying to match those desires are tough especially with a set budget. If you’ve got your wedding dress, and wedding photographer sorted then that’s great, but are you now looking for something that will add just a little more beauty to the ceremony? If you love music and more specifically Spanish guitar, then why not use our wedding music service? Here at Spanish Guitarist we enjoy being the wedding guitarist for the day.

Wedding music can cause a great big headache in terms of choosing what you want. People often though do not consider all of their options. There is nothing quite like the warm, smooth and romantic sound of the Spanish guitar. From the moment that your guests arrive to the recessional of you leaving the church as husband and wife, why not hear the special arrangement of some of your favourite songs? Not only can you hear our tuneful melodies during your ceremony, but we can put some music together at the drinks reception also.

If our service interests you then visit expert Spanish Guitarist Bob at his home near Bromley, Kent. Contact him today on 07786 45 49 50.